Antoine Georges, Professor i kondenserade materiens fysik vid Collège de France och Ecole Polytechnique, kommer till Sverige den 20 och 21 oktober på inbjudan av Brahe Education Foundation och Institut Français de Suède. Han kommer att presentera sitt arbete vid Uppsala universitet, Stockholms universitet och gymnasiet YBC (Young Business Creatives) i Nacka. Du kan delta i hans föreläsningar:
– Den 20 oktober kl 10 vid Uppsala Univeresitet (institutionen för fysik och astronomi) och den 21 oktober kl 10 vid Stockholms Universitet, Solid state theory : Death of a quasiparticule ; strong correlations from Hund’s coupling
– Den 21 oktober kl 14: 30,vid gymnasiet YBC i Nacka, From Atoms to Novel Materials ; a quantum engineer’s dream
Antoine Georges, born in 1961 in Paris is a professor at Collège de France and Ecole Polytechnique. In 1983 he graduated from École Polytechnique and joined École Normale Supérieure. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1988 from Pierre-Gilles de Gennes.
Student at École Polytechnique, he joined in 1984 the Theoretical Physics laboratory of Ecole Normale Supérieure, where he defended his thesis in 1988. He was a researcher in their laboratory until 2003, as charged, then research director from CNRS. In 2003 he created the Center for Theoretical Physics of Ecole Polytechnique, a research team on the physics of quantum correlation to strong materials.
He has made numerous trips abroad from 1989 to 1991 as a postdoc at Princeton University (USA), then as a researcher and visiting professor (especially in the USA- Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California Santa Barbara Rutgers University- and Switzerland- EPFL; University of Geneva).