Är du yrkesverksam inom kultur i Sverige ? Då kan du delta i programmet Culture 2022 Residency, ett initiativ från det Franska Kulturministeriet.
Information in English:
Culture Residency is a hosting program for cultural professionals from foreign institutions to join the administrative and scientific teams of public structures for a period of 1 to 3 months. Culture Residency promotes the development of cooperation projects, the exchange of knowledge and know-how, and the construction of sustainable exchange networks between the French Ministry of Culture and foreign partners. Administrators, department heads, cultural project managers, cultural managers of local authorities, people in charge of developing and managing cultural policies, bring your project to life in collaboration with a host institution in France.
Apply before 15 October 2021.
You’ll find more information about how to apply here: https://www.culture.gouv.fr/en/Aides-demarches/Appels-a-projets/Appel-a-candidature-Residence-Culture-2022