Call for projects: Horizon 2020 Health

The French National Contact Points for Health, Lyonbiopole, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Lyon, member of Enterprise Europe Network, in collaboration with regional partners, with the support of the Rhône-Alpes Region, are pleased to announce the organization of the European H2020 Health Brokerage Event in FRANCE the 4th of July 2014 in LYON

The registration is now open:

The event is free of charge and open to all partners in Europe!

Expected participants foresee to apply in 2015 Health Societal Challenge 1 or health related topics in other programs (ie KET or SC2).
Do not hesitate to promote to your communities involved in health research and innovation whether they are basic researchers, clinicians, SMEs, big industries, and from health sciences, ICT, social sciences…
It will be an outstanding opportunity for these communities to meet and build up strong partnerships for excellent proposals.

horizon2020 preprogramm

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