Den 14:e november 2019 organiserade Campus France Sverige ett seminarium kring svensk-franska dubbeldiplom tillsammans med franska och svenska universitet. Seminariet var också ett tillfälle att förstå hur svenska företag rekryterar och få en djupare förståelse av de kraven som en ny examinerad möter på arbetsmarknaden vill vi åsikt eran.
Om seminariet:
What is a “double degree program”? A program where the student is enrolled at two different universities, one in France and one in Sweden, alternating overtime and leading to two degrees, one from each university.
We would like to inspire more students to choose this type of education as there are many advantages. A double degree gives the student the opportunity to understand not only another global market but also another culture, expanding both their cultural and their professional horizons.
During this seminar, French and Swedish universities presented their existing double degree programs and we had the opportunity to listen to students experiences. Moreover, the aim was to understand what companies seek for when recruiting young professionals and how double degrees can meet the knowledge expectations of the labour market.
We brought together enterprises, universities and students from France and Sweden.
Double degree presentations (Swedish and French Universities)
– Linnéuniversitet / EM Normandie : Download Here
– Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) / CentraleSupélec : Download Here
– Luleå Tekniska Universitet / Institut National de Polytechnique de Lorraine : Download Here
– Stockholm School of Economics(SSE) / SciencesPo Paris : Download Here
Inspirational presentations:
– Magdalena Dahlgren, manager Volvo Group Recruitment Sweden : Download Here
For more information: