Havsforskaren Anna Lunde Hermansson på forskningsresa till Brest och Paris
Anna Lunde Hermansson är vinnare av FINA 2022 Award (French Institutes Nordic Award)
Franska Institutet i Sverige är mycket glada över att ha kunnat sponsra Anna Lunde Hermanssons forskningsresa till Frankrike och på så sätt gjort det möjligt för henne att delta i Sea Tech Week 2022 där hon har fått träffa många franska experter på havsforskning i Brest och Paris. Läs hennes dagbok här nedan.
FINA-priset syftar till att främja vetenskapligt samarbete mellan Frankrike och de nordiska länderna genom att belöna anmärkningsvärda prestationer inom årets tema. Läs dagboken från 2020 års vinnare, Justine Ramage, på världskongressen för naturskydd i Marseille.
Alternative Tour
de France with the
French Institute
Sea Tech Week and Research
exchange with the FINA laureates
On Sunday the 25th of September, after a
long trip by train and bus from Gothenburg, I arrived in a quiet and starlit Brest. The morning after, the sky had
turned grey and the rain poured – typical Brest weather I heard and just like home for me, being from Gothenburg. During the breakfast at Hôtel Belvédère I conclude that the baguettes are world class, perfect structure inside and crispy crust (yes, I am a bread-nerd and love baking). The sun arrived and I was ready for Sea Tech Week!
Monday the 26th-Thursday 29th of September were dedicated to Sea Tech Week, a conference dedicated to maritime transportation. I enjoyed interesting sessions on; alternative propulsion systems and behaviour of hybrid fuels (Cedre), risk assessment on volatile substances in the marine environment (also Cedre), detection and protection of marine mammals in intense ship lanes and around offshore wind farms; and new initiatives to make the shipping sector greener in the future.
The rather grey city-centre of Brest is compensated by the warm and friendly people and the stunning surrounding
nature. I decided early that week that if the weather allowed during the weekend, I would go for a hike… if the weather allowed.
The Thursday ended with the FINA webinar Threats to our oceans – A global issue!, where us laureates had the opportunity to meet each other virtually and present our research. Cecile Doddier, the moderator from the European Environment Agency, did a wonderful job and asked all of us relevant and subjectspecific questions. The webinar was a good experience and a taste of what would come for the actual mobility week.