REX Animation Film Festival är tillbaka i sjätte upplagan och erbjuder det bästa av europeisk animationsfilm inte bara till Stockholm utan för första gången till hela Sverige!
Förutom den vanliga festivalen på bio Zita från 29 oktober till 1 november, har REX inrättat en digital plattform där du kommer att kunna streama alla kortfilmer som finns i årets program. Från 29 oktober till 11 november kan du därför njuta av festivalen hemifrån, var som helst, i hela landet, 24 timmar om dygnet!
REX erbjuder också genom samarbeten i hela Stockholmsregionen visningar och speciella aktiviteter för alla åldrar, med särskild tonvikt på filmer för barn under oktober och november.
Från det galnaste till det vildaste, genom personliga berättelser och välgjorda animerade dokumentärer, för vuxna eller barn, är filmerna under REX-festivalen väldigt annorlunda. Bland dem finns åtta franska kortfilmer och samproduktioner:
Homeless home – Alberto Vázquez (Spain/France) – 2020 – 15min : No one can escape their roots, however rotten they may be.
Mémorable – Bruno Collet (France) – 2019 – 12min : Recently, Louis, painter, and his wife Michelle are experiencing strange events. Their world seems to be mutating. Slowly, furnitures, objects, people lose their realism. They are destructuring, sometimes disintegrating …
Empty places – Geoffroy de Crécy (France) – 2020 8min30 : Completed before the global lockdown, Empty Places is an ode to the melancholy of machines.
And yet we are not superheroes – Lia Bertels (Belgium/Portugal/France) – 2019 – 12min13 : When you’re a child, there’s this fragile moment where the boundary between fantasy and reality is shattered. This is the testimony of these children between two worlds, to whom the word was given freely.
Tie – Alexandra Ramires (Xá) – (Portugal/France) – 2020 – 11min39 : Under a gloomy sun, two characters look for adaptation.
Saigon sur Marne – Aude Ha Leplège (France) – 2019 – 14min12 : Between two household chores, an old couple tell their granddaughter their life story between Vietnam and France, during the war. Since their first meeting, when they were 20, till today, they describe all the main steps of their relationship, talking about the exile, the immigration, sometime with humour, sometime with serious.
Maestro – ILLOGIC (France) – 2019 – 1min34 : Deep into a forest, a gathering of wild animals start a nocturnal opera, conducted by a squirrel.
A lynx in town – Nina Bisiarina (France) – 2019 – 6min48 : A curious lynx leaves its forest, attracted by the lights of the nearby town. It has great fun there until it falls asleep in the middle of a parking lot. In the early morning, locals are astonished to find this strange animal covered in snow.
Kom ihåg:
- REX Animation Film Festival på Zita Folkets Bio: 29/10 – 01/11
- REX Animation Film Festival online: 29/10 – 11/11 (14 dagar)
- Andra visningar och evenemang: spridda över Stockholmsregionen oktober-november 2020
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