Upptäck Young Entreprise Initiative – Start in France

Franska Institutet har glädjen att presentera öppnandet av Young Entreprise Initiative – Start in France i Sverige.

YEI Start in France är ett program där deltagarna lär känna det franska forsknings- och innovationsklimatet. Det är ett veckolångt program som hålls i Paris mellan söndagen den 8:e och fredagen den 13:e mars 2020.  


Description: This programme is open to any early-stage company (seed-phase or series A company, <30 employees, < 2 M€ sales) that is looking at setting up R&D in France and develop innovative products in the field of Artificial Intelligence (any industry).


  • March 8 -Arrival Paris
  • March 9 – How to start business in France- intensive training (at Station F)
  • March 10 – Business Day
  • March 11 – Investors Day
  • March 12-13 – HelloTomorrow Global Summit (at “104”)


Laureates 2020:

  • Trustrace which provide a solution to establish traceable value chains for fashion, food and medical industry (https://trustrace.com/)


Contact: Please contact Sandrine Testaz at the French Institute for any further information (sandrine.testaz@diplomatie.gouv.fr).

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