Résultats du programme FRÖ 2016

We received 36 applications for the Frö 2016 call. A total of 7 researchers have been selected for a financial support.

The laureates for the Frö-2016 session are:

  • Anna Linusson, Chemistry, Umeå University.
  • Andres Laguna Fernandez, Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institute.
  • Axel Englund, Literature, Stockholm University.
  • Gireesh Nair, Applied Physics, Umeå University.
  • Maria Hägglund, Health Informatics, Karolinska Institute.
  • Niclas Bernhoff, Mathematics, Karlstad University.
  • Tania Dukic Willstrand, Ergonomics, Chalmers University of Technology.


We thank the applicants again for their participation and encourage all researchers in Sweden interested in developing their cooperation with France to apply for next year’s session.

The call for Frö 2017 will be open next fall, follow the updates on our website.

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