Research Exchange with FINA

10: Successful afternoon at SHOM with great hosting by
M. Gaël Morvan.

For our final visit in Brest, we defied rain and wind and met up with M. Sebastién Cann at Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, a cluster of innovation that want to drive Blue Economy by creating a collaboration and funding platform.

11: Final visit in Brest with M. Sebastién Cann at Pôle
Mer Bretagne Atlantique

After 10 days in Brest, I conclude that Brest holds a strong connection between maritime and marine research and
innovation with many commonalities to Gothenburg. I was impressed by the collection of competences and facilities
and I hope I will get the opportunity to come back soon. Our time in Brest was coming to an end and we were ready to see what Paris had to offer!

Our first morning in Paris was spent at
EMBRC headquarters, the European
Marine Biological Resource Centre, at the
University of Sorbonne. M. Nicolas Pade,

Mme. Alice Soccodato and M. Davide Di Cioccio welcomed us with coffee and croissants, and we had fruitful discussions about research networks, the services that EMBRC can provide and potential future career choices. EMBRC’s involvement in EU projects is impressive and it is interesting to hear about the expectations that EMBRC have to deliver on EU policies and how research can be used in society and decision making. In fact, it was so interesting so that we exceeded our time past lunchtime.

12: Interesting meeting at EMBRC. Discussing the future with Mme Alice Soccodato, M. Davide Di Cioccio and M. Nicolas Pade (not in photo).

After a lovely lunch in Jardin de Plantes, the afternoon was spent with some work and of course experiencing a sunny Paris. I had a mission to see the mètre étalon, the last original standard metre that was installed when the Académie des sciences defined the metre. Unfortunately, the marble shelf was surrounded by construction, and I will have to wait until next time to see it. Luckily, Paris is full of amazing sights and buildings so the disappointment did not last for long.

13: The mètre étalon is still waiting for me. Picture by LPLT / Wikimedia Commons.
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