The Luleå University of Technology, University of Lorraine and the French Institute in Sweden – French Embassy in Sweden organize a Joint Workshop on Sustainable and Safe Composites of the future on May 27 & 28, 2024. The conference will be an opportunity for researchers in Sweden and France to present and discuss their work.
These two days will enable the exchange of French and Swedish views and expertise on Sustainable and Safe Composites of the future. It is intended as an opportunity for researchers and companies from France and Sweden to present and discuss their work and the challenges they face. It is also an occasion to meet and help find partners for future projects.
During the first day, we welcome you to a tour of Luleå University of Technology and laboratory visit (from 1 to 3 pm, on May the 27th).
During the second day, the following subjects will be presented:
- Development of High Performances Biomaterials in Arkema,
- Sustainable wheat gluten composites, Steam explosion: a versatile pretreatment process for the design of sustainable materials,
- Fire behaviour of biochar and its composites,
- Influence of the addition of vegetal fibres on the behaviour of earthern materials subjected to high temperatures,
- Coating and barrier applications of fibrous packaging materials using polyhydroxyalkanoate dispersion,
- Fire Safety: exploring Geopolymer with Hybrid Bio-Based Composites,
- Carbons in filtration applications,
- Paper waste grown as biocalcified foam: a lightweight and flame-retardant biocomposite, Product Sustainability in the pipping industry.
Altogether, the conference will also be an opportunity to meet and find partners for future projects and enhanced cooperations.
The Dean of Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Charlotta Jonasson, The French Scientific and Higher Education Attaché, Valérie Lemarquand and the French Honorary Consul in Luleå, Susanne Nilsson will open the conference.
- Dates: From May, the 27th 2024 to May the 28th, 2024
- Location: Luleå University of Technology – more details coming soon)
- Language: All presentations will be in English
- Conference fee: No conference fee but registration is mandatory even if you cannot attend all the workshop.
- Registrations: Open on April, 8th 2024 / Close: May, 22nd 2024
Contact: French Institute in Sweden – Embassy of France in Sweden: