Research Mobility Programs

The programs of the French Embassy / French Institute in Sweden aim to increase scientific and academic cooperation between France and Sweden by giving people active in research the opportunity to develop their professional network in the other country or to strengthen Franco-Swedish research cooperation. The programs are open to any person active in research, whatever their field of research, in the exact sciences as well as in the humanities or social sciences. Scholarships cover travel and living expenses, but not salaries or research equipment. Several programs are available.

SFVE-A Program 

Formerly known as FRÖ, ÖMSE, TOR and GALAN programs, the SFVE-A program (Svensk Fransk Vetenskap–Anslag) aims to promote scientific and academic cooperations between France and Sweden by giving researchers established in a Swedish or a French institution (e.g. university, research laboratory, etc.) the opportunity to participate in a mobility program between both countries. Link to apply.

The call for applications is open until the end of August 2024for a mobility before the 10th of November 2024. The applications can be closed before if the budget ceiling is reached.

Click here to learn more about the SFVE-A program.

The Sophie Germain scientific residence

The Sophie Germain scientific residence is a two week stay in Paris in January or June 2024 and is intended for doctoral graduates who are doing research in a Swedish institution (university, research institute…). Link to apply.

Click here to learn more about the Sophie Germain program.

The Eva de la Gardie program

The Eva de la Gardie program is a one month stay in the Swedish Institute in Paris in NOVEMBER 2024. Link to apply. 

Click here to learn more about the Eva de la Gardie program.

FAQ – This is a short list of the most frequently asked questions.

When will I get a reply?
The French Institute in Sweden will examine the applications every month. Answers will be communicated two months maximum after the application.

I work in France/Sweden but I do not have the French/Swedish nationality, can I apply?
Yes, our mobility programs are open to researchers active in France or in Sweden, regardless of their nationality.

How do I know that my application has been taken into account?
After completing the form you will automatically receive a confirmation email. If not, please contact us at

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